==== BFormat ====
I found [[https://know.innon.com/bformat-examples|this]] on the web.
^%.%|Value and Status of the Out slot|
^%out.value%|Value of the Out slot|
^%out.status%|Status of the Out slot|
^%Hours%|Get the total elapsed time in hours|
^%Minutes%|Get the total elapsed time in minutes|
^%displayName%|Display Name of the component|
^%displayName.substring(0,3)%|Display Name of the component showing only the part from the first to the third character|
^%displayName.substring(-2)%|Display Name of the component showing only the end part from the second-last character|
^%name%|Name of the component|
^%parent.displayName%|Display Name of the parent component (1 level up)|
^%parent.name%|Name of the parent component (1 level up)|
^%parent.parent.name%|Name of the parent of the parent component (2 levels up)|
^%parent.proxyExt.device.name%|Name of the device in which a proxy point resides (no matter how many levels above the point)|
^%parent.proxyExt.network.name%|Name of the network in which a proxy point resides (no matter how many levels above the point)|
^%proxyExt.topic%|On an MQTT point, returns the "topic" text|
^%user()%|Returns the username of the user logged in (use "ord" "station:%%|%%slot:/")|
^%time()%|Returns the current time (use "ord" "station:%%|%%slot:/")|
^%alarmData.sourceName%|(to use on Alarm Extension Text) Returns the "Source Name" within the Fault, Offnormal or Normal text of an alarm|
^%alarmData.highLimit%|(to use on Alarm Extension Text) Returns the "High Limit" within the Fault, Offnormal or Normal text of an alarm|
^%alarmData.lowLimit%|(to use on Alarm Extension Text) Returns the "Low Limit" within the Fault, Offnormal or Normal text of an alarm|
^%out.prevDay%\\ %out.prevMonth%\\ %out.prevYear%|Using the "CurrentTime" block available from the kitControl palette, these bFormat examples will take the full date and time of the previous day, month or year according to the current time|
^%out.Hour%\\ %out.Minute%\\ %out.Day%\\ %out.Month%\\ %out.Year%|Using the "CurrentTime" block available from the kitControl palette, these bFormat examples will take the individual Hour, Minute, Day, Month or Year data of the current time|